
清Event Cache Table的方法

先前這個 方法 效果不甚完美,
原先table大概八百萬筆刪還剩七百萬筆......  Orz


1. 進 Central Administration -> Application Management  -> Web application general settings
    設定保留天數, 引用來源裡寫設1天就好, 我比較俗仔留個3天
    剛設定上去, 暫時觀察

Change Log

Specify how long entries are kept in the change log.
Delete entries from the change log:

下面這個步驟看起來有一定風險, 需要的人要仔細斟酌一下
引用來源說要sp2, 我還沒試所以不確定能不能用.

2. Central Administration -> Application Management ->  Content Databases -> 選擇Database
2.1 複製Database名稱, 等下會用到
2.2 Remove database

Remove Content Database

Use this section to remove a content database from the server farm. When you select the Remove content database check box and click OK, the database is no longer associated with this Web application. Caution: When you remove the content database, any sites listed in that content database are removed from the server farm, but the site data remains in the database.

2.3 用commend line
stsadm.exe -o addcontentdb -url <url> -databasename <database name> -clearchangelog 
<database name>就填剛剛複製的database name.

